I dream of the old days, of what used to be and how much I wish I can turn back time. Making correct choices and not jumping to conclusions. The reality hit me hard when rejection is not the wound that needs to mend for wrong choices. Having know true love and walking away from it and now trying to chase it down is harder than it seems. All of us have in one way or another done this, and some bounce right back and other, well it takes a little longer.
I see the real people out there, not the fake one. I see more fakes that I see real one. The fakes will brush something so bad under the table, while the real attack the issue and make it right if allowed to. Then you set out to walk again on a road where you hope people understand you. There is a lot to go through as you weed the real ones from the fake ones.
Then once in awhile you meet someone who is real and not fake. That person becomes also a light in your life burning true and as the years go by the light becomes brighter. At that point you must understand that you should cherish every moment and every minute. Nuture it and make the bonds stronger. Use common sense and make the best decisions you can. One wrong one can dim it for ever.
God bless,