When I read about what the magazine was featuring on the cover of their monthly publication, I was intrigued as to why they would want to feature someone who only a few months prior detonated bombs to kill and injure others. I waited to see what RS reply would be….
As humans we tend to get mad at people for different things. Stupid things as such too! There are many reasons why we bring up the bridge that we have with someone and pull out into a different direction.I know many of you will say “well you do not understand…
I read this article titled: Stevie Wonder boycotts Florida After George Zimmerman verdict. Here is the link if you need to read it. m.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/16/stevie-wonder-boycotts-florida-after-george-zimmer by the way this link came from twitter. Stevie states that he will no longer perform in Florida until the Stand Your Ground Law has been…
I spoke with a friend who cranked up on what some news talker said about some politician! News talkers to me are people with talk shows on radio or television. Now many a times they tend to report on what is happening around the world or at home. But most…
What a great weekend! There was plenty of sun here in South Florida and there was a lot of activity on the roads. For me it was great to get out and travel to the west coast of Florida spend sometime with good friends. But I know as very well…
I am so sick and tired or hearing people complain about everything here in the United States! People who come from Colombia, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela, and Haiti! These people come here and once here all they do is complain and bitch about how it was better in their country! Well…
Since November of 2012 when McDonalds decided to open for Thanksgiving and they did the same for Christmas of that year…because of course the dollar matters more than being at home with family! I decided that I was no longer going to patronize them and advise all my friends to…
Today I was reading how Adolphus Busch IV, the great-grandson of the founder of Anheuser-Busch, maker of Budweiser beer, yesterday quit the National Rifle Association in outrage at its role in blocking legislation that would have expanded background checks. First of all the NRA does not block any kind of…
Today I was reading how a handful of nuns who have fed homeless men, women, and children are being are being harassed by the great City of Miami! It seems that in Miami you can not feed the poor or the hungry without getting a permit to do so! Now…
On Easter Sunday I went to GC to buy a guitar that I wanted. I had been there before, played it and liked it. What I should have done it picked it up right away. But I waited and then it was gone! I was disappointed at myself for not…